Here you will see a small selection of the sexy ladies we have available to 88Square.com members. You can see for yourself that since 2004, 88Square is still absolutely the sexiest Asian site available, and still updating with 100% exclusive tantalizing & sensuous Thai ladies you will ever find.
Sure we have exclusive pics and footage of the "old standards" like Irene Fah, Amara, Natt Chanapa, Vanessa Wang & others, but we choose to not live in the past and rely on fading starlets. We also bring you fresh new faces & create the stars of tomorrow. That's what 88square is all about.
88Square.com, in operation since 2004, brings you high quality, crystal clear, HIGH DEFINITION 720p (1280 x 720) video and new photo releases are 4800px (1920 x 2880) & unlike anything we've ever released before! This means that during our girls masturbation & hardcore videos you see every drop of juice dripping from their pussies, during the Behind The Screen videos, the quality is so good, it's like you're right there at the shoot.